Bust Through Those Gremlins: and Take Action! w/ Dr. Marilyn Atkinson

Published by: janean strong on 08-04-2019

If you have something that you want to accomplish but are getting stuck, this conversation is for you!
Gremlins are the small fears that prevent us from moving forward and taking action. The 4 Gremlins model for overcoming stuckness in your life is a brilliant exercise to help you understand where and how you are stuck and what you can do about it. This is just one of the many coaching tools that Marilyn Atkinson has created over the years to help people create a life of satisfaction.

Marilyn is also very passionate about the issue of climate change and devotes much of her time to helping people understand the facts and take action!

Marilyn Atkinson is the Founder of Erickson Coaching International and originator of the comprehensive, Solution-Focused and Outcome-Oriented Coaching model.
Since founding Erickson in 1980, Marilyn Atkinson has developed many effective, specialized coach training programs that are currently being taught in 45 countries.

She has written and co-authored eight books including “The Art & Science of Coaching” trilogy, and is celebrated for assisting corporate leaders to develop resilient, motivated teamwork across multicultural environments.

Erickson International website

Marilyn's CLIMATE CHANGE Ted Talk recommendation

A couple of the many books written by Dr. Marilyn Atkinson
Creating Transformational Metaphors

Do You Want to Paly the World Game?

You Tube Option

Keywords: life coach, climate change, 4 Gremlins, solution focused coaching, Erickson Coaching International, Dr. Marilyn Atkinson

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