Relevant Astrology for 2020 w/ Pamela Cucinell

Published by: janean strong on 01-05-2020

Pamela shares her understanding of the various aspects of astrology and how the outer planets will be influencing us personally and around the world in 2020. Astrology can help you understand underlying motivations, fears, talents, unseen influences that can either help or hinder … it is a tool to help us work more consciously with our lives. An art form that works in partnership with science.
This was recorded at the end of 2019, so when Pamela says ‘the next year’, she is talking about 2020.

Pamela Cucinell bought her first deck of tarot cards when she was 14 in a gift shop in Yonkers, NY. The check-out girl asked her if she could read them and she answered "Yes" even though she had never held a deck in this lifetime. It wasn't until her Saturn Return that she realized that impulsive purchase and declaration was part of her destiny. What's the Saturn Return? First time happens when we are about 29 years old - we step into the foundation of full adulthood.
For Pamela, learning to meditate through the major arcana of tarot helped her to heal from divorce and find her way to wholeness. Pamela is an artist, writer and a consulting astrologer, certified by the rigorous peer testing program of the National Council of Geocosmic Research NCGR. A prior storefront owner, Pamela is sensitive to the goals and needs of entrepreneurs.
Although she presently lives in Mexico, she still coordinates the Westchester Holistic Network in Westchester, NY and visits NYC a few times a year to see clients. Most of her work is done over the phone or through teleconference; Pamela's clients consider her sessions reliable, relevant and revelatory. She offers spiritual insight with a practical twist.

Her website for more information

Listen on You Tube

Keywords: Astrology, tarot, Pamela Cucinell, 2020, insight oasis

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