Exiting the Matrix w/ Lani Gelera (Ep 145)

Published by: janean strong on 05-01-2022

Lani Gelera was a Professional Hollywood Stuntwoman for 20 years. Now Lani is putting her courageous, compassionate, and outspoken nature in service as a Lightworker and Lioness. She helps inspire, empower, and encourage others to believe in their sovereign freedom and to emancipate themselves and future generations from tyranny. Lani has been working on her fourth book in the The Brave Series 'Manifesting the New Earth'.

Fear vs Love
The Fear narrative is 3D, we are ascending into 5D
Lani’s 4th book = The Brave Manifesting the New Earth
A process of co-creation
Important to stay focused on what you want and the future you want to create, not fear and what you don’t want.
Susceptibility to mind control - not making own choices
Advanced technologies have been held back that will benefit all of humanity
Canadian Frontline Nurses are working on a new paradigm for health care
Soul contracts
Importance of journaling
A little bit about Lani’s stunt woman career

You are a magnificent manifestor!

The Brave Book Series

Lady Braven of the Pride YouTube Interviews

Lani's Stunt Real

Lani's Website

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Keywords: Lani Gelera, Speaking Truth to Power, Courage during Covid, natural law, Exiting the Matrix

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