VibroAcoustic Therapy & More w/ John Hill

Published by: janean strong on 05-18-2024

John Hill is passionate about VibroAcoustic Therapy (VAT)… and for good reason. He has facilitated over 5,000 VAT sessions. VibroAcoustic Therapy utilizes frequencies via sound and vibration that permeate every cell of the body. Everyone I have had on my VAT mat has loved it…. even my pets. John and I have both graduated from Kate Kunkel’s certification course as VAT therapists. John has been using VAT for 4 years now… I am a relative newbie. More and more I am convinced that this is a uniquely effective method of introducing frequencies into the body to support healing, promote deep relaxation, relieve pain and help chronic symptoms.

"By playing harmoniously tuned, professionally composed, and intentionally curated music and vibrational patterns with an understanding of the therapeutic power of VibroAcoustics…, one can experience elevated states of consciousness. Many people talk about connecting to the quantum realm, enlightenment, spiritual awakening, nirvana, pure meditative states, or simply having an amazing experience."
from a blog post by John Hill

Some topics John and I cover:
Resonance - what it is
How MRI’s work
Mindfulness Vrs Worry and regret
True mindfulness makes everyday a great day
The difference between a tactile transducer and a speaker
What is Resonance
VAT, Stacking and Meditation
Music and feeling
It is always NOW
Separate how you feel from the situations in your life
Ability to feel joy and happiness
How to have amazing days

Some companies that produce VibroAcoustic equipment:

Your gonna love the Dolphin Pillow!

Web page for St. John’s Drug and alcohol recovery VAT program

If you choose to purchase a product from In Harmony VibroAcoustic Furniture, use my affiliate code 'realjanean' for a 5% discount.

Listen on YouTube

Listen on Rumble

Keywords: VibroAcoustic Therapy, John Hill, Sound Therapy, frequency

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